Otherwise, the application may have been installed from files located directly on the workstation, a jump drive, or an accessible network drive. If the application was installed directly from the SOLIDWORKS DVD, then the installation manager is looking for that DVD. The location of these files is directly related to where the files were located when the original installation was completed.
#Solidworks 2015 download dvd update
What the SOLIDWORKS installation manager is trying to tell you is that it cannot find the file required to complete the repair or update the application. SOLIDWORKS does require the original installation source files for the currently installed version and service pack to be present in order to complete a repair or update of the application. Whether the user chooses to save the logs or not, this will eventually lead to the following information being displayed by the Installation Manager, in where the Toolbox (if working with a product that includes Toolbox) is often configured, but the next items in the list are shown as unsuccessful and the remaining items are not yet attempted. This is displayed to the user as the following SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager pop-up box, in which the user is notified and given the option to save the logs for support and/or just click OK.
#Solidworks 2015 download dvd install
A common hurdle to a repair or update of the SOLIDWORKS application is a failure of the Installation manager to locate the source files that were used to install the application.